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Deepfakes: A Growing Threat to Businesses Across Australia and New Zealand

Deepfakes: A Growing Threat to Businesses Across Australia and New Zealand

In the ever-evolving threat landscape of cybersecurity, deepfakes represent a rapidly emerging and highly sophisticated danger for businesses. By leveraging deep learning models to manipulate images, videos, audio, and even text, threat actors are increasingly weaponising these technologies for targeted attacks against enterprises. For CTOs, CIOs, and IT...

A guide to Black box vs. White box Penetration Testing

A guide to Black box vs. White box Penetration Testing

Understanding black box penetration testing In the realm of cybersecurity, black box penetration testing is akin to solving a complex puzzle without any prior knowledge. This approach simulates a real-life attack scenario where the tester has no information about the system being tested. The primary objective is to identify vulnerabilities and security...

Types of Cyber Security Frameworks for your business

Types of Cyber Security Frameworks for your business

With large-scale breaches exposed in Q1 and Q2 of 2024 and there will be inevitably more to come, the global landscape is primed for more stricter regulations around cyber security governance and compliance. Australia passed the privacy legislation amendment act to introduce large fines for privacy breaches. New Zealand made changes to its privacy laws,...

Why go beyond just securing security compliance certifications?

Why go beyond just securing security compliance certifications?

Achieving certifications like ISO 27001 is like getting a gold star rating in information security. You gain a framework to manage your Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) and assure your stakeholders the commitment you have towards cybersecurity. While it’s great that your organisation is working towards achieving a security accreditation, is...

SOC 2 vs ISO 27001: Which is right for your company?

SOC 2 vs ISO 27001: Which is right for your company?

This is the most common question we receive from our customers. They’re two of the most popular information security and risk management frameworks in the world, and each one has its own benefits. Let’s start by defining what they are, the differences, followed by which one of them is right for your company. What is SOC 2? SOC 2 is a security and...