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[Testimonial] Auto Drive Holdings Security Review Project

What’s been the single biggest benefit to you and your company since using our service?

Simply having the report detailing all the vulnerabilities. We’ve been aware of a few vulnerabilities, but to have it all laid out nice and clear in a report has been fantastic for us from a planning POV. We have an Audit and Risk Committee and this report has been super beneficial for laying out a list of action items for them.

What do you feel we do better than other cyber security companies you may have worked with in the past?

I’ve only ever had one other cyber security review [Name redacted]. Their process was to just install CrowdStrike agents on all computers/servers and their report was just a summary of whatever CrowdStrike detected. Was absolutely pathetic. It was a 6 page report essentially saying “change your passwords more often”. The AMARU Security Review though was a night and day difference. The fact that you spent weeks/months analysing people/process/technology and being that thorough with the final report gave us exactly what we needed.

If someone was on the fence about choosing us for their cybersecurity, what would you say to them?

I would convince them that they’d be making a mistake in not using AMARU. The team at Amaru are thorough, detailed, competent, pleasure to work with, and a business partner absolutely worth having.

-Team at Auto Drive Holdings